Politico reported yesterday:
DHS is standing up a new Disinformation Governance Board to coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security, focused specifically on irregular migration and Russia. Nina Jankowicz will head the board as executive director. She previously was a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, advised the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry as part of the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship and oversaw Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute.
A quick background check on Ms. Jankowicz reveals a dutiful soldier of the Woke Axis who once suggested the now-confirmed Hunter Biden laptop story was potentially “disinformation” coming out of Russia.
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“Disinformation” is the latest Woke bogeyman, made especially scary to Leftists everywhere in light of Elon Musk’s potential takeover of Twitter. Of course, today’s “disinformation” is tomorrow’s fact—the term is used to classify any statement, whether factual or not, that contradicts The Current Narrative. We saw this particularly in regard to information surrounding Covid: remember when we were told (by the President!) the vaccine would prevent you from getting Covid, and any suggestion otherwise was considered disinformation? Now we have a four-time vaccinated Anthony Fauci refusing to attend a banquet for fear of catching the virus.
Right now this “Disinformation Governance Board” is focused on “irregular migration” (what does that even mean?) and Russia. While that will be bad enough (any statements that don’t lead us to World War III will likely be shot down as disinformation), we can be sure that it won’t end there. “Homeland security” has always been a problematic department with too-broad objectives and too-easy ways to restrict our freedoms. Giving them authority over what we can say or not say is just one more step to full-blown 1984.
I’ve been beating the drum against the restrictions on speech under the guise of fighting “fake news” and “disinformation” among Catholics for a while now and I hope and pray Catholics will wake up to the danger. Any society that restricts the dissemination of factual statements or unpopular opinions is a direct threat to Catholicism. We can be sure this new Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board will work to prop up our anti-Catholic, warmongering, pr0-abortion government in any way it can.