Forgive Offenses Willingly

The forgiveness of sins, said the Fathers of the Church, is a greater miracle than the creation of the universe. That seems exaggerated, when considered from our perspective. A Catholic does something he feels ashamed of, hies himself to Confession, goes in the little room with the priest, and comes out a few minutes later. … Read more

1942: The Coming of Emmanuel

With the blackouts and bleak uncertainty about the fortunes of war, the days before Christmas were dark. The death of Rev. Vladimir Ledochowski, the “Black Pope,” on December 13 somberly marked a period of tremendous growth for the Society of Jesus, whose general he had been since 1915. Monuments to his service included new buildings … Read more

Are the ‘Twilight’ books ‘girl porn’?

I just got back from a week-long family vacation with limited internet access, so I’ve spent the morning trying to get caught up on current events (wait, we seriously had an earthquake here?). Wading through my feedreader, an article by Kathleen Gilbert over at LifeSiteNews caught my eye (via David Goldman at First Thoughts) — … Read more

France’s burqa ban: Good idea? Bad Idea?

I can’t decide where I stand on the ban of the burqa (full veil) in France. I want to be against it — on the grounds of religious and personal freedom — but I see the challenges the niqab (face veil) poses to national security. It’s one thing to cover the top of your head, … Read more

The Pro-Life Leader Who Is Also an Exorcist

Having just read Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuers’s new book, Exorcism and the Church Militant, one of the first things I asked him was whether he was afraid of demons. I shivered more than once reading through its short chapters, arranged as basic questions about the devil, demons, possession, and the rite of exorcism. “Not at … Read more

The Good Sisters: An Appreciation

They’re a vanishing breed, the sisters. Of course some are still around, but precious few, if the statistics I read are correct. And almost none of them teach school, wear long dresses and rosary beads that clack when they walk, and have names like Sister Humiliata and Sister Chrysostom. If your only knowledge of nuns … Read more

The photo below was taken earlier this week by my friend Renata Grzan. Her website is worth visiting. Her photo evokes memories of my summers as a young boy, when days seemed long, and I needed nothing but a stick to pass the afternoon.   I had invited Renata to take some photos of Chippy … Read more

The photo below was taken earlier this week by my friend Renata Grzan. Her website is worth visiting. Her photo evokes memories of my summers as a young boy, when days seemed long, and I needed nothing but a stick to pass the afternoon.   I had invited Renata to take some photos of Chippy … Read more

The photo below was taken earlier this week by my friend Renata Grzan. Her website is worth visiting. Her photo evokes memories of my summers as a young boy, when days seemed long, and I needed nothing but a stick to pass the afternoon.   I had invited Renata to take some photos of Chippy … Read more

A Vision of a Child in Summers Past

The photo below was taken earlier this week by my friend Renata Grzan. Her website is worth visiting. Her photo evokes memories of my summers as a young boy, when days seemed long, and I needed nothing but a stick to pass the afternoon.   I had invited Renata to take some photos of Chippy … Read more

Is Vatican Radio causing cancer?

This has been a bad press week for the Vatican, and is now made worse: A new Italian court-ordered study has determined that Vatican Radio’s main broadcast tower outside Rome is increasing the neighbors’ risk of cancer. “There has been an important, coherent and meaningful correlation between exposure to Vatican Radio’s structures and the risk … Read more

Is Privatization Subsidiarity?

I admit I was taken aback by some of the comments under my article on Gov. Christie’s effort to privatize many government services, such as toll collection, etc. (“A Catholic Governor Embraces Subsidiarity“). Given the fact that Catholic teaching on subsidiarity is directly connected to the encroachment of centralized government into the lives of communities … Read more

Detachment Parenting: Learning to Let Go

I like to imagine the wind that was blowing on that sparkling fall day, tousling my mom’s strawberry-blonde hair. In the photograph, she’s holding my older brother Jason, who was around 3 at the time. You can see he has his mother’s eyes — almond-shaped, dark brown eyes that are smiling. My mom’s arms draw … Read more

My second earthquake.

At 5:00AM this morning, I woke for no apparent reason. Four seconds later, the house began to rattle. It was like a huge truck had driven by, shaking our home… except there was no truck, or anything like it. Earthquake, I thought. That was an earthquake. It was brief and didn’t continue so I promptly … Read more

Truth, Lies, and Filmmaking

During all the soccer mania last week, I thought it would be a good time to watch The Damned United, the (very loose) story of the rise of Brian Clough, one of England’s most successful (and colorful) football managers in the 1970s. It was a fun, lighthearted movie: Michael Sheen is fast becoming one of … Read more

Reverend Kevin Gray and Me

The sordid story of Rev. Kevin Gray — the Waterbury priest charged with stealing more than a million dollars from his parish to pay for a secret life of homosexual debauchery in New York — is a scandal to Catholics and an opportunity for anti-Catholics. But the faithful must keep both the scandal and Connecticut’s … Read more

An American Tragedy

I taught for a while in Paris and, after knocking off work, would walk down the rue des Écoles, past the College de France, past the statue of Joachim du Bellay, to the Cinéma Henri Langois — the best repertory cinema I know — to see a Western. I took my seat in the dark … Read more

The Vatican’s “Own Goal”

The Telegraph’s (UK) Damian Thompson is once again lamenting the seemingly tone-deaf Vatican PR “machine:” If I’d been put in charge of the Vatican press office with a specific brief to provide ammunition for the Church’s enemies, I don’t think I could have come up with anything better than this. Increase the penalties against abusers … Read more

The Faking Hoaxer and the power of images

About two years ago, a young man — name unknown — took on the moniker of The Faking Hoaxer (TFH), and began uploading a series of astonishing short films to YouTube. These aren’t your standard videos of dolled-up teens singing along to Lady GaGa. Rather, TFH’s specialty is producing disturbingly realistic footage of fictional disasters, … Read more

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