
Why Synodality is a Sham

Synodality isn’t a process in which the laity’s concerns are heard; it is a process by which they are ignored.

Censoring the Word of God

Since 1970 certain controversial passages of the Bible have been removed or made optional in Catholic liturgical settings. Why was this done? What has been the impact?

Mansplaining Ephesians

Too often priests feel a need to tone down or even contradict the words of Sacred Scripture when they conflict with today’s zeitgeist.

A Council Without a Soul

The dramatic destruction of authentic Mystical Theology was short-lived, but an anti-mystic legacy lived on in subsequent centuries down to the Second Vatican Council, affecting all who took part in it.

The Joy of Schism

Throughout Church history, Christians have frequently been happy to expel each other from the Church. That is no less true today, but what is the proper attitude of the Christian when it comes to schism?

The Least They Could Do

Surely, the least the bishops could do was arrange for Christ, present in the Eucharist, to be processed by and before hundreds of thousands of people in our vast, beautiful, troubled country.

Two Cities in America

The contrast between the RNC and the Eucharistic Congress reminds us that while our culture promotes degeneracy, confusion, and division, Christ in the Blessed Sacrament provides us with strength to overcome these challenges.

Recognizing Reality

The transgender hermit has practiced a deception upon the Church, for reality cannot be changed by our whims or delusions.

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