
Kamala Harris vs. Motherhood

Throughout the 2024 campaign, Kamala Harris made clear that nothing impassions her like abortion. Abortion, abortion, abortion.

A Last-Minute Plea to Vote for Trump

Trump’s decision to retreat from advocacy of the pro-life cause and try to persuade those who remain reluctant to vote for him is defensible from a pro-life standpoint.

The Issue That Will Not Go Away

Kamala Harris, for all the word salads she throws together on issues like the border, crime, and inflation, is perfectly clear on the issue of abortion.

Picking Our Poison With Pope Francis

When faced with two political candidates who are not aligned with Catholic fundamentals, it is permissible to cast a vote against the candidate who would do the most harm.

The Faith of the RFKs

Like his father, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. relies on his Catholic Faith during his political campaign. But there’s a significant—and tragic—difference between father and son.

The Chasm of Life and Death

So many conservatives, including many pro-lifers, focus only on the political ramifications of opposing IVF. We need to instead focus on the lives lost.

No Mercy for Sin Itself

It is one thing to tolerate your brother’s sin—because you yourself are a sinner, after all. It is another to accept it in principle, explicitly or implicitly.

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