Submissions Guidelines

Article Submissions for Crisis Magazine

Crisis stands at the intersection of faith, politics, and culture. We have a strong preference for articles that are timely and engage with current events.

All submissions should run between 800 and 1,500 words, although longer articles will be considered in certain circumstances. No footnotes, please: only hyperlinks or simple, in-line citations (e.g., “As John Smith wrote in The New York Times…”). We do not accept simultaneous submissions. All submissions must be exclusive to Crisis; we do not republish articles that have previously appeared elsewhere, either in print or on the Web. In general, we do not accept pseudonymous/anonymous submissions. We also only rarely publish book reviews.

Send your article as a Google Docs or Microsoft Word document to New contributors are also asked to include a short byline and a square headshot.

Please note that all submissions may be subject to editing for grammar, style, clarity, content, and brevity. It is not our policy to return edited manuscripts to authors before publication for their final approval. Crisis retains full rights to the article upon publication, including permission to reprint.

Also note that an article, once published, will permanently remain on the Crisis website as it was published. Requests to substantially edit or to remove a previously-published article will be denied.

While we endeavor to reply to all queries, due to the high volume of emails we receive, we are not always able. If you do not hear back regarding a submission within one week, please assume the submission has been declined.

Manuscript Submissions to Crisis Publications

The mission of Crisis Publications is to address contemporary issues at the intersection of politics, culture, and the Church with clarity, cogency, and force. We seek to publish books that are:

  • Direct, explaining their principles briefly, simply and clearly to Catholics in the pews, on whom the future of the Church depends. The time for ambiguity or confusion is long past. 
  • Contemporary, born of our own time and circumstances and intended to become significant statements in current debates, statements that serious Catholics cannot ignore, regardless of their prior views. 
  • Classical, addressing themes and enunciating principles that are valid for all ages and cultures. Readers will turn to them time and again for guidance in other days and different circumstances. 
  • Spirited, entering contemporary debates with gusto to clarify issues and demonstrate how those issues can be resolved in a way that enlivens souls and the Church. 

Manuscripts will also only be considered if they are unique and compelling, have perennial value, are cogent and forceful, and meet standards of brevity, accessibility, and prose.

If you feel that your manuscript or book proposal meets these criteria, you may submit a Google Docs or Microsoft Word document (only electronic submissions will be considered) to

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