What’s Really at Stake with the WWII Debate
The debate over Churchill and World War II effectively calls into question the current Western political order.
The debate over Churchill and World War II effectively calls into question the current Western political order.
Our government officials and representatives do not hold enshrined any philosophic, anthropological, or religious principle or principles to guide them in wisdom toward the common good.
The animosity toward dancing found in some traditionalist Catholic communities reveals an imagination that is deeply out of touch with our Christian culture.
We are always asking the question, “What went wrong with the Church?” There is an answer too rarely considered: we abandoned hatred of the world.
Wilhelm Röpke developed what was called “humane economics,” which placed the dignity of the human person at the core of economic thought, theory, and practice.
The modern American diet makes us listless and addicted, which is a recipe for disaster in both the political and spiritual realms.
The legacy media, the elite academy, the Democratic Party, and the national security state all hate Trump, and they hate him because they hated us first.
The husband of pro-life heroine Joan Andrews Bell reflects on the past year of Joan’s incarceration for peacefully trying to stop a late-term abortionist.
The ambiguity wreaked by gender confusion makes any interpretation of what is “appropriate” open to debate.
Both Trump and RFK Jr. have become utterly disillusioned with a party that promotes the antithesis of American core values that its forefathers envisioned, which included individualism, equality, diversity, unity, liberty, and self-government (democracy).
What is lost in this conversation about the roles of men and women in the family is the defining characteristic of a home as economic, the very meaning of “economics” being “household management.”
Dioceses that are currently in or heading toward financial bankruptcy have already suffered from decades of moral bankruptcy that led to these monetary woes.
Moral Spirituality replaced Mystical Spirituality in the Church, which led to disastrous consequences we still live with today.
Trump did not say he merely would tolerate the Brave New World of laboratory babies; he says now that he would make the government pay for anyone who wanted to conceive a family in a petri dish.
Who are the “Secret Seven” poets who have been sadly forgotten and unjustly neglected, all but one of whom were converts to Catholicism and all of whom everyone should know?
For St. Augustine, there are but two characters that matter above all in the human story: God and the Self.
While both liberal and conservative Catholics focus on defending various human rights, we need to vote for the candidates that will most allow us to defend the rights of God.
Children have a way of stretching you beyond what you think you can bear. They are both blessing and cross; joy you never thought you could experience and pain you wish you never did.
There has been an increase in anti-Christian sentiment in the Holy Land, driven by the fervent growth of Israeli ultra-nationalism, which calls for a theocratic Jewish state.
I can think of no greater modern warrior against liberalism, both in thought and practical action, than the great saint Cardinal John Henry Newman.