
A Pre-Debate Huddle

Our government officials and representatives do not hold enshrined any philosophic, anthropological, or religious principle or principles to guide them in wisdom toward the common good.

Go Forth in Dance

The animosity toward dancing found in some traditionalist Catholic communities reveals an imagination that is deeply out of touch with our Christian culture.

All the Right People Hate Trump

The legacy media, the elite academy, the Democratic Party, and the national security state all hate Trump, and they hate him because they hated us first.

The Battle of the Sexes Belongs in the Home

What is lost in this conversation about the roles of men and women in the family is the defining characteristic of a home as economic, the very meaning of “economics” being “household management.”

Saved Through Childbearing

Children have a way of stretching you beyond what you think you can bear. They are both blessing and cross; joy you never thought you could experience and pain you wish you never did.

Newman and Modern Conservatism

I can think of no greater modern warrior against liberalism, both in thought and practical action, than the great saint Cardinal John Henry Newman.

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