
The Conversion of Death & the Lifegiving Power of Beauty

Back in 2017, before the covidious cloud descended like madness, the world might have seemed a saner and simpler place. It wasn’t. It was the same dark and dismal place it is today, a vale of tears and a land of exile, with only the same glimmers of lifegiving grace to lighten the load and … Read more

Time to Return to the Prayer of Our Fathers

Just as the Catholic Faith has been reduced to little more than an intellectual philosophy of life for the clergy—all head and no heart—the same happened to the laity, who depend on them for their spirituality.

Can We Finally Go Back to Having Kings?

I want Trump to be crowned as king, and I don’t care who knows it. I don’t want him to be king because I think he is perfect; I want him to be crowned so we can stop pretending that he isn’t a king while he governs like one for four years.

The Limits of Our Anti-Woke Allies

As much as conservatives may enjoy common cause with prominent anti-woke secularists, we must remember the limits of making political alliances with those subscribing to worldviews antithetical to the Faith.

Mel Gibson, Old School Sinner

Mel Gibson possesses a fear of the Lord combined with a reverence and long-held respect for the old and authentic traditions of the Catholic Church, which doesn’t necessarily reflect in his behavior and daily living.

The Allure of Manichaeism

What was it about the temptation to Manichaeism, the allure it offered a young man like Augustine, that proved so powerful, so seductive that it nearly did him in?

Gay as an Object of Mirth?

Being gay is tragic, but it is also comical, and a healthier perspective toward homosexuality sometimes is to laugh at it.

“Celebrating” Death?

The Secular Left continues to co-opt traditional ceremonies. First it was same-sex “weddings.” Now it’s “funerals” for those about to commit suicide.

The Scandal of “Openness”

In the spirit of “openness,” the Italian Bishops’ Conference recently approved, with the apparent blessing of the Roman authorities, new guidelines that stipulate that an applicant for the seminary cannot be rejected simply because he identifies as a homosexual.

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