The Failure of the Bishops’ Health-Care Bill Strategy

The Catholic Health Association (CHA), a lobbying group for Catholic hospitals, has offered its support for the health-care bill as it currently stands. A  statement from CHA president Sr. Carol Keehan expresses “concern on life issues” while underscoring the bill’s requirement that “a separate check” would have to be written for abortion services. Sister Keehan’s … Read more

Sunday Comics: Uncle Harry’s Gold Mine, Part 10

And finally, the conclusion of the 1960’s serial Uncle Harry’s Gold Mine by Frank Borth.  As always, these pages come from Catholic University’s online archive of Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact.     This serial had to be one of Treasure Chest’s most well-received stories, for it was one of the very few to … Read more

Soarin’ Over the Grand Canyon

Today’s YouTube experience is brought to you by Aerial Filmworks, a company which “provides gyro-stabilized Cineflex HD camera systems for entertainment, advertising and corporate clients.” Their client list is long and impressive — Disney, Discovery Channel, BBC, PBS/Nature, Planet Green, Red Bull, Burton Snowboards, Amazing Race, CBS/Survivor, Lockheed Martin, ESPN and TruTV are all included … Read more

I Am Woman

“So what do you do?” I’m asked over drinks at a recent party.   I mentally flip through a list of possible responses. I hesitate, considering my interrogator. I think I remember someone mentioning he works as a neurosurgeon.   He performs brain surgery. I wipe little bottoms.   So here’s my quandary: Do I … Read more

Vitamin D – Immune Silver Bullet?

I came across an article this morning touting something I’ve only recently become aware of: the wonders of Vitamin D, and the dangerous deficiency in this underappreciated nutrient among a worldwide population spending less and less time out in the sun: There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency sweeping across our modern world, and … Read more

The Latest “Christian” film…Coming Soon to Theatres Near You

Earlier this week, I had the chance to preview a soon-to-be released movie, the latest production of Christian Hollywood.  Letters to God, directed by David Nixon, is the story of an eight-year-old boy, Tyler Doherty, whose confidante in his daily struggle against cancer is God. Tyler’s prayers take the form of letters, which he writes and … Read more

Friday Free-for-All

Good morning! Time for your Friday links:  Holland proposes extending the option of euthanasia to healthy people over 70 who simply “consider their lives complete” and want to end it. ‘How I found God and peace with my atheist brother’: Peter Hitchens discusses his truce with brother Christopher after 50 years. How will the world … Read more

Holy Things for the Holy?

Having grown up in some of the most liberal dioceses in California, there were many times when I had to endure some questionable thinking from some pretty high places. During my confirmation classes, I was subjected to a sermon by the then pastor (who later left the priesthood) about how Catholic couples should get married … Read more

Windswept House? Fr. Amorth says Devil is ‘at work inside Vatican’

The 1998 Malachi Martin novel, Windswept House, opens with a Satanic ritual performed at St. Paul’s chapel inside Vatican City by members at every level of the Catholic clergy. The purpose? To open the door of the Church to the Devil’s influence, and lead to the destruction of Catholicism from within.  The premise of the … Read more

“Pillow talk” takes on a whole new meaning.

A man married a pillow in Korea. No, seriously. He dressed the Japanese anime character-themed body pillow in a wedding dress and had some kind of ceremony. When they go out to eat — as apparently, they do — he orders meals for his wife-pillow. They ride roller coasters together, for heaven’s sake. And according … Read more

Laying down one’s life…or at least an organ.

Dallas received word today that Pope Benedict has appointed two new auxiliary bishops to the rapidly growing diocese: Father J. Douglas Deshotel and Monsignor Mark Seitz will take up their posts in late April. But this won’t be the first time that Monsignor Seitz will have made the local news. He’s already gained some notoreity … Read more

Actually, that may NOT be government junk mail.

Bob Collins at Minnesota Public Radio received a first-class letter from the U.S. Census, telling him that they’ll be sending him another letter next week. The apparent foolishness of the exercise got him thinking about its expense: There were 105,480,101 households in 2000. At 500 sheets of paper per ream, that’s 210,960 reams of paper … Read more

Catholic Bishops Must Change Health-Care Strategy Before It’s Too Late

The lobbying strategy of the Catholic bishops in the health-care debate thus far has been one of qualified support. We support the health-care reform bill, the bishops argue, as long as it does not contain abortion funding and provides conscience protection for health-care workers. The only help the bishops have received in their effort is … Read more

Chief Justice Roberts ‘troubled’ by SOTU showdown

Everyone remembers this awkward moment from January’s State of the Union address: Justice Alito made headlines at the time for his “not true” comment, but now Chief Justice Roberts is speaking out on the incident. When asked about it while visiting the University of Alabama School of Law yesterday, Roberts responded, “To the extent the … Read more

Walmart to the rescue?

The Atlantic ran an article by Corby Kummer this month exploring the question of whether Walmart may actually help small farmers and restore our citizens to health. As you can guess, I nearly choked on my breakfast. In the end, though, I found Kummer’s piece interesting.  Walmart has decided to grab at the locovore, health-conscious market … Read more

You May Kiss the Bridey

My former editor at the National Catholic Register, Tom Hoopes, has done me a courtesy rarely afforded tradition-minded Catholics: He has stooped to address my arguments, instead of airily dismissing them as the sad obsessions of half-wits, bag ladies, and yellow-eyed anti-Semites with dirty fingernails. Sure, he did so in a blog post which referred … Read more

Beards, Dens, and Lions

Over at OSV’s Daily Take, John Norton points to the perfect antidote to such depressing news as our Speaker of the House’s insistence that ” we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” Only this antidote isn’t a thing; it’s a person — Dr. Raymond Leo Dennehy, Professor of Philosophy, … Read more

Harry Reid’s phony “Tea Party” candidate?

According to CNN, some Nevada Republicans are accusing Senate Majority leader Harry Reid of campaign trickery in his effort to retain his seat. They claim he has entered his own dummy “Tea Party” candidate into the race, hoping to pull votes away from the eventual GOP nominee. “No doubt about it,” says Danny Tarkanian, one … Read more

Archbishop Chaput explains school decision

The news of the Catholic school in Boulder that will not allow the children of a lesbian couple to re-enroll next year has been making national headlines (and most of them not pretty). The pastor in charge of the school says he was merely complying with archdiocesan regulations; and yesterday, Archbishop Charles Chaput came to … Read more

Culture and Catholic Identity in Australia

In a few minutes I will be leaving the Radisson Hotel in downtown Sydney to meet a group of local Catholics Jessica Langrell has pulled together. We will dine and I will talk with them about “Culture and Catholic Identity,” using the bruhaha at Notre Dame over Obama has a starting point. I plan on … Read more

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