Viva Criminalità, Viva Italia

Strange. I don’t feel like a criminal. But Mark Twain, in his newly released Autobiography (published, as he wished, a century after his death), says, “I believe that the trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all trades, and that it has no real value.” Well, there goes … Read more

Pakistani court blocks the pardon of condemned Christian mother

Pakistani Christian mother-of-four Asia Bibi was sentenced to death earlier this month for “insulting Islam.” This morning, her request for a presidential pardon was blocked by a state court, even after at least two government officials said she was innocent. The Lahore high court today barred [President Asif Ali] Zardari from pardoning Bibi in a … Read more

Is new technology impairing our children’s ability to learn?

Last week, The New York Times ran an interesting story about the effects of constant electronic stimuli on learning and attention in children. Students have always had distractions and time-wasters, but computers, cell phones, iPods, and electronic games represent a whole new level of stimulation — and studies show that these make for profound challenges … Read more

On Condoms: More Dostoevsky, Less Catechesis

Catholics are obsessed with rules about what can and cannot be done. Contraception, abortion, women in the priesthood, even kneeling for the Eucharist are often subjects of controversy whenever Catholics discuss their faith. Thus, when Pope Benedict XVI made his now-famous comment in Light of the World about condoms, it was inevitable that his utterance … Read more

Raising Men: 100 Years of the Boy Scouts of America

“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” These are the words of the Boy Scout oath. Recited at scout meetings across the … Read more

Friday Free-for-All: Thanksgiving Leftovers

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I’m still more or less stuffed from yesterday’s feast, which I think means I did it right. Feel free to supplement today’s round-up with tales from your own holiday, interesting reads you found over the break, or whatever else is on your mind. You too can make your very … Read more

Scourge Us

Lest there be any confusion, let me begin by admitting I am no liturgical expert. I have gone to some length to avoid becoming one, trying to shut controversies over the wording of the Mass out of my head while at prayer. As a convert from Anglicanism — and very High Anglicanism at that, with … Read more

A day to be thankful

Things are going to be slow around InsideCatholic today, as the staff is celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. On behalf of the entire team, we wish you a blessed day, full of gratitude for the gifts God has bestowed on all of us. In case you’re in a reading mood, here are a few interesting links… … Read more

A Thanksgiving Post

Things are going to be slow around InsideCatholic today, as the staff is celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. On behalf of the entire team, we wish you a blessed day, full of gratitude for the gifts God has bestowed on all of us. In case you’re in a reading mood, here are a few interesting links… … Read more

Our Priesthood on the Couch

Since the early 1960s, almost all candidates applying to enter religious life or the priesthood have been required to undergo psychological screening. Further evaluation has sometimes been required if questions are raised about a person’s fitness. Some have claimed that psychological evaluations have been used against them when the real problem is serious ideological and … Read more

Happy Thanksgiving!

Also, Merry Christmas! Oh, and Happy New Year!   I think I may have just discovered the winner of the “Most Extraordinary Interweb Link of the Month ” for November (and a strong candidate for “Best Link of the Year,” as far as I’m concerned):

If you happen to live near New Providence, New Jersey…

If you happen to live in or near northern New Jersey, there’s an event coming up this Saturday that you’ll want to catch. Talented young Catholic singer/songwriter Tim Margiotta is holding an album release concert in celebration of his debut CD, “Make a Venture.”  If you enjoy neo-folk or alt-country, but wish you could find … Read more

The Ghetto Is the Future

I’ve been tempted to comment, like everyone else on earth with functioning fingers and Internet access, on the unfolding story of Pope Benedict XVI’s comments regarding condoms. But for once I don’t know exactly what I think. I await further clarification from the Church’s teaching authority — which will come in time — and the … Read more

Online abortion vote a stunt, couple admits

The Minnesota couple asking people to vote about whether they should abort their child has said they never intended to have an abortion at all. Frankly, I was waiting for this. According to a CNN article, husband Peter Arnold said he wanted “to stimulate conversation about the politically charged subject”: Arnold told CNN he bought … Read more

Archbishop Dolan on his election and the future of the Church

Newly elected USCCB president Archbishop Timothy Dolan gave an interview with the New York Times where he spoke about his surprise election, the pope’s recent comments on condoms, and what he sees as the biggest obstacles facing the Church: He said the bishops would not stop speaking out on political issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and immigration. … Read more

A Tea Party Thanksgiving

Ask me what I am thankful for this year, and one of the first things that comes to mind is the social/political phenomenon of the Tea Party. To me, it represents a loud “enough is enough” — not only to the nonsense being perpetrated by the White House and the Congress, but also to the … Read more

What could cause a mother to murder her child?

When a mother takes the life of her child — especially after birth — it flies in the face of what we believe about the maternal instinct. An article at Scientific American highlights some new research on the subject, and it’s raising eyebrows.  Dario Maestripieri has spent most of his career studying maternal behavior in primates. In particular, … Read more

12 Myths Every Catholic Should Be Able to Answer

Freedom of speech is a great thing. Unfortunately, it comes at a price: When citizens are free to say what they want, they’ll sometimes use that freedom to say some pretty silly things. And that’s the case with the 12 claims we’re about to cover. Some of them are made over and over, others are … Read more

Set your DVRs…

For those who hadn’t heard, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, are making a repeat appearance on Oprah this afternoon. The sisters were the focus of an episode back in February, and the response was apparently so positive that they were asked back again. According to the sisters: We have accepted this … Read more

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