Laurance Alvarado

Laurance Alvarado is a senior director with a prominent New York-based international turnaround and restructuring firm and the board chairman of the Morley Publishing Group. Over the last 25 years, he's run consulting practices in Washington, D.C., Latin America, and the Middle East and has done business in more than 20 countries. He is active in social concerns, attends Traditional Latin Mass, and is a member of the Pinellas Schola Cantualis. He's a cycling enthusiast, commutes around Washington on a Brompton, races Porsches, and competes in anything with wheels. He's a native Texan from San Antonio and a Texas Aggie who served his country in the Air Force. He loves history, strategy, free enterprise, sailing, dogs, and -- most of all -- his bride of 18 years.

recent articles

More Ammo for the Anti-Capitalists

  As if we needed another reminder of the fruits of avarice, the business press is on fire with the news of the conviction of Raj Rajaratnam, the founder of the hedge fund Galleon Group, on all 14 charges of conspiracy to commit securities fraud. I hope he looks good in federal orange. As the … Read more

The government doesn’t know how to raise kids

“You’re nuts.” That’s what a man with 11 children, 15 grandchildren, and a successful legal practice told me after the middle sister of my two foster children was welcomed into our home on Christmas Eve. Of course, he said it in jest (I think). His comment wasn’t about accepting children that weren’t mine into my … Read more

The Problem with Cry Rooms

Today is the one year birthday of my youngest foster child. Over the past five months, I’ve marveled at her growth, her vice-like grip on anything I’m trying to read, and her amusement as she’s discovered how to walk. And even though she’s  become far more vocal over the past few weeks, I’ve also really … Read more

I’m fed up with coffee shops

What is it about us that makes us willing to stand in line for an eternity at a coffee shop just to get a cup? Actually, I’m not really sure what to call those establishments, as they’re part Internet cafe, part hang-out joint, and part public restroom. It seems that people do everything there except … Read more

Reflections of a Foster Dad

My wife and I are quickly approaching the four month anniversary of having two foster children in our household, and although it’s been an experience unlike any other, I can’t help but to feel like an “Associate Member” of the Parent Club. Not that we give our foster children any less love, wisdom, discipline, praise … Read more

Poor Clare, refuge of tweeters

The Poor Clares of York are a great example of contemplative meeting contemporary.  Since their founding, the Poor Clares have prayed for the outside world, receiving prayer requests in various formats over the centuries.  Hardly an area for business process improvement, I imagine the nuns have their prayer processes fine-tuned. Enter the Interaction Research Studio … Read more

Is it just me, or have there been more blown officiating calls this year than any other year?  I mean, not just minor infractions, but big-gun, game changing, career impacting judgments of idiocy.  Just off the top of my head: Armando Galarraga of the Detroit Tigers had his perfect game go up in flames when umpire Jim … Read more

You’re blind, ump

Is it just me, or have there been more blown officiating calls this year than any other year?  I mean, not just minor infractions, but big-gun, game changing, career impacting judgments of idiocy.  Just off the top of my head: Armando Galarraga of the Detroit Tigers had his perfect game go up in flames when umpire Jim … Read more

A Very Helpful Guide to iPad Potencies

If you are one of the three million iPad owners, I would recommend a helpful guide for taking advantage of all its functionalities.  iPad Made Simple, co-authored by Martin Trautschold and Gary Mazo, is easy to read and takes the reader step-by-step through all its various potencies.   I thought I had a pretty good … Read more

Lessons from the Scandal

There have been three important additions to my household over the past few weeks.  The first was an iPad — my first Apple product since 1981. Deal posted some of my thoughts about it here.  After incorporating this incredible device into my work and personal routine, my verdict still stands: It’s a game-changer in so … Read more

Jobs says iPad Revolution Freedom from Porn

There have been three important additions to my household over the past few weeks.  The first was an iPad — my first Apple product since 1981. Deal posted some of my thoughts about it here.  After incorporating this incredible device into my work and personal routine, my verdict still stands: It’s a game-changer in so … Read more

Lots of hope…got Wisdom?

“Hope” has certainly been the cause célèbre of the past couple years.  Whether the “Yes, we can” slogan or a “hopey -changey” challenge, “hope” magnifies some of the most basic of human expectations, emotions and desires. But it seems that hope has been diluted with “I hope the Daytona 500 lasts less than six-hours,” “I … Read more

Baksheesh backlash

This is simply brilliant.  First off, for you international travelers and residents, how many times have run across the stubborn (fill in the blank) official in some developing country when you’re trying to get through customs, fill out an application for a local phone, or simply get the right part for your car? After the … Read more

Babies, Hyundais and economic power

A few years ago while I was attending a silent retreat, the retreat master took off his reading glasses and deviated off topic.  He had been leading a study on the Holy Family, but couldn’t help reflecting on some recent news: France was experiencing (as many countries are now) increasing unemployment, increasing immigration and decreasing … Read more

Remembering the pope’s forgiveness

The Challenger disaster, the shooting of Ronald Reagan, the fatal crash of Ayrton Senna, and the assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II — I remember exactly what I was doing for these events.  But while I don’t remember exactly where I was when I heard of the pontiff’s forgiveness of Mehmet Ali Agca, I … Read more

In the name of Allah, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost

It was Easter in 2006 and I was attending a Maronite Catholic Mass in the Middle East. I was (somewhat cockily) celebrating the Risen Lord with my new found ability to read Arabic. The Liturgy was beautiful, the music angelic (with everyone singing), and the Mass really, really long. I guess I shouldn’t have been … Read more

Commerce, Cistercians and Going Local

Starting a business is hard, but one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done in the last 24 years (yeah, and there’s this “lapse in the blog thing”–again.  Mea maxima culpa.)  Anyway, the very nature of my job is to create economies in a global environment, but through local resources and talent.  While the … Read more

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