AnnaMaria Cardinalli

AnnaMaria Cardinalli is an American military investigator, classical guitarist, and operatic contralto. She is the author of Music and Meaning in the Mass (Sophia Institute Press, 2020).

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Vaccination At The Vatican

Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine

On Thursday, Vatican News confirmed that both Pope Emeritus Benedict and Pope Francis have received the currently available COVID-19 vaccines, themselves providing an example, ostensibly, for the Church as a whole. In the world’s eyes, I suspect this spells the end of any claim a Catholic might otherwise make for religious exemption to required reception … Read more

Will Children Ever Be Children Again?

It’s September 11 as I write, just shy a full 20 years from the day that changed America. Veterans of my generation—the one that responded after 9/11—have a joke. As children just sorting out language, we believed the word “veteran” was synonymous with “old person.” Looking in the mirror today, we now find ourselves disconcerted … Read more

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