Austin Ruse

Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. He is president of the Center for Family and Human Rights in New York and Washington DC. He is the author of several books including, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic (Crisis Publications). He can be reached at

Books by Austin Ruse

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The Irascible Pianist

I call Michael Walsh an irascible pianist to point out that Walsh is both a sensitive artist and a cage-match fighter of ideas who cusses.

Gay as an Object of Mirth?

Being gay is tragic, but it is also comical, and a healthier perspective toward homosexuality sometimes is to laugh at it.

2024 Proves 2020 Was Stolen

The numbers from the 2020 election, especially compared to other recent elections, just don’t add up; or rather, they add up to too much.

Will Trump Save Us From Big Food?

Big Food is joined at the hip with Big Pharma. They have set up a system where one makes us sick, and the other makes us medicated patients for life. 

Free the Uhuru Three!

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All the Right People Hate Trump

The legacy media, the elite academy, the Democratic Party, and the national security state all hate Trump, and they hate him because they hated us first.

Gay Is Queer and Queer Is Gay

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A Historical Precedent for Trump

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What We Saw at the Groomer Show

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Memories of Lockdown

We have to remember the days of Covid. Write down your memories. Remember the bad days and the good. And remember the lies they told us.

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