Bill Maguire

Bill Maguire earned his masters in theological studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute in Washington, D.C. With nearly two decades of experience in youth and young adult ministry, he currently writes from Naples, FL.

recent articles

On Giving Communion to Pro-Abortion Politicians

It is curious in a non-Catholic country like ours that the question of who should or shouldn’t be allowed to receive communion has become such a hot topic. Seemingly, this kind of question would be considered inside baseball, simply an intra-church matter. Yet, our secular media is dominated by headlines about what this or that … Read more

Theological Dissent and the Final Synod Report

One of the most controversial proposals contained in the final report (Relatio Synodi) of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family is found in paragraph 52—which deals with the possibility of Eucharistic communion for divorced and remarried Catholics: The synod father[s] also considered the possibility of giving the divorced and remarried access to the Sacraments of Penance … Read more

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