Evelyn Birge Vitz

Evelyn (Timmie) Birge Vitz is Professor of French, and Affiliated Professor of Comparative Literature, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and Religious Studies at New York University. She is the author of A Continual Feast: A Cookbook to Celebrate the Joys of Family and Faith throughout the Christian Year (Ignatius).

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The Novels of Georgette Heyer

If you are looking for some entertainment reading during the golden days of Indian Summer—or any other time—let me propose Georgette Heyer to you. Romance, Murder, Humor, Mystery, Dogs, and … Marriage! First, a bit of basic background: She was born in 1902 in Wimbledon, England. She did not attend university, but started writing very … Read more

God and the Sexes

For Christianity, gender is both important and irrelevant. God creates, Christ redeems, and the Holy Spirit sanctifies men and women alike, along with Jews and Greeks, rich and poor, black and white. But, apart from salvation, gender possesses a special importance in Christianity that cannot be viewed as either accidental or superficial. Both views flow … Read more

God and Gender

In this Crisis Magazine classic, Evelyn Birge Vitz says that denying theological gender differences actually undercuts male and female dignity.       For Christianity, gender is both important and irrelevant. God creates, Christ redeems, and the Holy Spirit sanctifies men and women alike, along with Jews and Greeks, rich and poor, black and white. … Read more

God and the Sexes

For Christianity, gender is both important and irrelevant. God creates, Christ redeems, and the Holy Spirit sanctifies men and women alike, along with Jews and Greeks, rich and poor, black and white. But, apart from salvation, gender possesses a special importance in Christianity that cannot be viewed as either accidental or superficial. Both views flow … Read more

Crises, Tidings, & Revelations: A Charge of Misogyny

In recent years, especially, of course, in feminist criticism, it has become a, standard accusation that the medieval Church was misogynistic: that it was hostile, degrading, and insulting to women. But the evidence suggests that the standard view of the medieval Church as misogynistic is in many instances a tendentious oversimplification; in others simply false. … Read more

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