Bishops of Kazakhstan

Jose Luis Mumbiela Sierra is bishop of the Diocese of Most Holy Trinity in Almaty and president of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of Kazakhstan. Tomash Peta is metropolitan archbishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana. Adelio Dell’Oro is bishop of Karaganda. Athanasius Schneider is auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana. Very Reverend Father Dariusz Buras is apostolic administrator of Atyrau. Very Reverend Mitred Archpriest Vasyl Hovera is delegate of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches for the Greek-Catholic faithful in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

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Bishops of Kazakhstan Reaffirm Humanae Vitae

Editor’s note: The following document is a pastoral letter issued May 13 by the bishops of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae. Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! The current year is marked by the memorable event of the 50th anniversary of … Read more

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