Brian FitzGerald

Brian FitzGerald is a professor of humanities and Latin at the College of St. Mary Magdalen in New Hampshire. He earned his D.Phil. in Medieval History from Oxford University. He has particular interest in the intellectual and religious history of Europe from the twelfth to fourteenth centuries.

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Teaching by Word and Example: St. Norbert of Xanten

The great reform movement within western Christendom that began in the late eleventh century had as one of its primary targets a Church subservient to the State. Reformers sought to secure ecclesiastical freedom—not a firm separation from the State, but a proper clarification of roles. The ultimate purpose of that freedom was to allow for … Read more

Divine Wisdom at the Root of Things: Hugh of St. Victor

Shortly before the first Gothic arches of Paris began bearing the weight of their spires, a young man arrived in Paris. His origins are unknown to us now, but his destination was clear: he had come to join the new religious community at the Abbey of St. Victor, just outside the walls of medieval Paris.He … Read more

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