Gen Z Loves Big Brother
Gen Z’s apparent response to three years of controlled demolition of their freedoms and opportunities betrays a Stockholm syndrome-like affection for one’s abusers that is breathtaking.
Gen Z’s apparent response to three years of controlled demolition of their freedoms and opportunities betrays a Stockholm syndrome-like affection for one’s abusers that is breathtaking.
Sudan has captured our nation’s attention recently; U.S. attacks on suspected terrorist training areas even stole the spotlight from the Lewinsky affair for a brief time. But that brief national glance at Sudan did little to uncover the real story in this nation of 33 million: the story of a government that is slowly exterminating, … Read more
In 1920, shortly after the Great War, Hilaire Belloc wrote to his good friend Professor J.S. Phillimore: Every bit of work done for the Faith is of enormous importance at this moment, and though there is not the least chance yet of England’s conversion—many disasters must come upon her first—still the immediate future is going … Read more