Carrie Christofferson Handy

Carrie Christofferson Handy is a free-lance writer and former head of Respect Life Ministries for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, Vermont. A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, she has written for both secular and religious publications and has served on the boards of home health and mental health organizations. She is a mother of five children and grandmother to two young grandsons. Her pro-life blog is at True Dignity.

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Vermont Pols Think the New Yorker Is an Authority on Abortion

Operating out of the national spotlight that is focused on late-term abortion legislation around the U.S., Vermont legislators are quietly seeking to enshrine their already exceptionally broad abortion policies into state law. Unrestricted abortion is already permitted for any reason and at any stage of pregnancy in the Green Mountain State, but that hasn’t stopped … Read more

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