Christopher Ortega

Christopher M. Ortega is a lawyer, credentialed history teacher, and a Catholic revert who lives in Southern California.

recent articles

Be England Thy Dowry

Almost 700 years ago, King Richard II dedicated England as the “Dowry of Mary.” On March 29, 2020, England will be rededicated to Mary. In light of this historic event, numerous articles have been published of late on the topic. These articles address what the rededication is and why it matters to English Catholics. But … Read more

Hispanics Should Revere Columbus, Not Revile Him

“I am so for this!” exclaimed a Facebook friend, linking to a headline about the Los Angeles City Council’s vote to replace Columbus Day with “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” On its face, this may seem like an innocent change. Who would be against celebrating the indigenous peoples of the Americas? Alas, the movement to strip our … Read more

Our Lady of Walsingham Can Help Hispanics Return to the Church

Like most children born to Mexican-American families, I was baptized in the Catholic Church. And yet, by the time I was 12 years old, I’d left her to become a “born-again” evangelical Protestant. Until my reversion as an adult, my three siblings and I had abandoned the faith of our fathers for more “entertaining” religious … Read more

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