Constance T. Hull

Constance T. Hull is a freelance writer and regular contributor at Catholic Exchange. She has also written for Public Discourse and The Federalist, and holds a Master’s in Theology.

recent articles

Living in a Conviction-less Age

Christians’ lack of conviction was the catalyst for Christ being removed from the cultural throne of the West. Instead, we have accepted a bland, banal, suburban counterfeit that requires very little sacrifice or suffering.

A Woman’s Case against Women-Priests

In order for women to embrace our proper role in sanctifying the priesthood, we must be willing to abandon the adversarial position we often place ourselves in with men. Great damage has been done in the dynamic between men and women, thanks to radical forms of feminism that seek to pit men and women against … Read more

An Identity Crisis in the Priesthood

As a new wave of protests erupt in response to the death of Rayshard Brooks, many Catholics are finding themselves angered, frustrated, and perplexed, but not in the way that immediately comes to mind. For months, we have been told that we must be exiled from the public celebration of the Mass, and, in some … Read more

Flight of the Lady-Bishops

In mid-January, it was made public that His Excellency Bishop Barry Knestout (my local ordinary) had made arrangements with the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia to allow an invalid consecration of a female “bishop” at St. Bede’s Catholic Church in Williamsburg. The public outcry was so intense that the Episcopalians chose to move the event … Read more

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