T. David Curp

T. David Curp is an assistant professor of history at Ohio University, where he teaches the contemporary history of Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

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War Without End: The Muslim Conquests

Crusading ideals in the West were an answer to the greater threat of jihad. They were spurred by fear and necessity in a desperate competition with Islam that, for many centuries, Christians lost — and were aware that they were losing. The extent of Islam’s victories can be seen in the all-but-complete disappearance of the … Read more

A Necessary Bondage? When the Church Endorsed Slavery

In this Crisis Magazine classic, historian T. David Curp takes an honest look at the Church’s record on slavery, and explains why it isn’t all good.      Current questions and values can so distort our study of the past that we enact our own version of the "cadaver synod." In this infamous trial, held … Read more

War Without End: A Brief History of the Muslim Conquests

We tend to take the current military, economic, and technological superiority of the West relative to the Islamic world for granted and project it onto earlier centuries. With the luxury of hindsight, many Western historians look back at the expansion of Islam in the context of a decaying Byzantium; the medieval Crusades are seen as … Read more

A Necessary Bondage? When The Church Endorsed Slavery

An important function of history, as opposed to antiquarianism, is to make the past intelligible to the present. Current questions and values can so distort our study of the past that we enact our own version of the “cadaver synod.” In this infamous trial, held in Rome in the ninth century, Pope Stephen VII exhumed, … Read more

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