Daniel Waldow

Dr. Daniel Waldow is an assistant professor of theology at St. Francis University in Loretto, PA and the Associate Director of the Alta Via program, which is an intentional Catholic community for undergraduate students.

recent articles

The Crown and Empty Churches 

Should the Church “modernize” by becoming more like everyone else? Or, should she hold fast to her ancient, otherworldly beliefs, morals, and rituals?

Should the Laity Ignore the Synod on Synodality?

Given that the advice offered to the pope during the synodal proceedings will likely contain at least some errors and ambiguities, most lay Catholics are probably better served by simply ignoring the Synod proceedings.

A Thomist’s Guide to the 2020 Election

For many well intentioned Catholics, determining whom to vote for in the upcoming presidential election is a difficult decision. The Church has no official, clear criteria to aid in the decision. Yet, the fact is that Rome, the highest authority in the Church, has provided the faithful with contemporary, official teaching concerning political decisions. Pope … Read more

The Moral Confusion of Avengers: Endgame

Editor’s note: The following Avengers: Endgame movie review contains spoilers.  Disney’s Avengers: Endgame is currently shattering domestic and global box office records.  In one sense, this is a very positive sign of our culture’s health. The twenty-one previous entries in The Marvel Cinematic Universe are mostly unobjectionable, laudable depictions of heroic moral virtue, clean humor, … Read more

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