David Dashiell

David Dashiell is a freelance writer, editor, and proofreader based in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. He holds a degree in theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. His writing has been featured in The Imaginative Conservative and other websites, and his editing is done for a variety of publishers, such as Sophia Institute and Scepter.

recent articles

Efficiency or Mediocrity?

The American city is built on efficiency. Roads weave and connect, and gas stations populate major street corners. Fast food restaurant chains pepper the highways so that drivers can eat as soon as they are hungry. Mountains are leveled and rivers are redirected so that the greatest number can fit in the smallest area. Buildings … Read more

‘Fur Babies’ Are Not Babies. ‘Dog Moms’ Are Not Moms

Recently, my wife explained to a friend that having a newborn child was like having a dog—only except ten times more difficult. Her explanation made me think. Dog parks, pet-friendly cafes, and “dog moms” abound. When we lived in Nashville, it seemed like there were more pet services than day cares. It’s almost as if … Read more

Pondering the Punchline

What do G.K. Chesterton, Joe Rogan, and Saint John Paul II have in common? G.K. Chesterton thought deeply about the world. He wrote on everything under the sun, sprinkling his interesting vocabulary and witty aphorisms throughout his works. Saint John Paul II was a formidable man, hardened by wars and sensitive to the major philosophical … Read more

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