David Prosen

David Prosen is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with an MA in counseling. David was featured in Blackstone’s film, The Third Way: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church and has had several articles published for Lay Witness including, “I am not Gay. I am David.” He has given presentations across the country on the topic of “Same-Sex attractions” from a Catholic perspective.

recent articles

What Fr. James Martin Should Have Said in Ireland

Somehow, almost overnight, our culture decided that an “LGBT” identity is something that one is born with. There is no research proving this. As a matter of fact, the American Psychological Association website states that, although much research has been done, scientists have not reached a consensus on the causes. However, our culture speaks of … Read more

Stepping Forward in Courage

Rilene, Paul, and I went to Rome to give our testimonies at a conference and resource event titled “Living the Truth in Love.”  This conference was scheduled two days prior to the start of the Synod, and was co-sponsored by Courage International, Ignatius Press, and the Napa Institute as a way to begin a dialogue … Read more

The Bigot Barrier  

It started as a normal day. I sat down with a cup of French roast and signed on to Facebook. Once again, the word “bigot” was being hurled all over the place. We see this word more and more, mostly in disputes over gay “marriage.” The thing I despise the most about this word is … Read more

Bullied “Out of the Closet” and (Almost) Bullied Back In

Growing up, as a small boy I was overwhelmed with fear by a number of bullies in my life. Some of them lived in my neighborhood and attended my school. But the biggest one lived in my house: my father. Many boys at a young age learn to step into their fear and prove that … Read more

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