David Torkington

David Torkington is a Spiritual Theologian, Author and Speaker who specializes in Prayer, Christian Spirituality and Mystical Theology. You can find out more about him at davidtorkington.com.

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Deconstructing Discernment

Today’s prevelant spirituality—and the discernment process that is at its heart—has an uncanny way of canonizing the prevailing ideas and opinions of those who take part in it

The Post-Vatican II Pseudo-Spiritual Movement

With the demise of the traditional, God-centered spirituality that once thrived in the Church, new secular missionaries rushed in to introduce their man-centered sociopsychological therapies of one form or another.

A Council Without a Soul

The dramatic destruction of authentic Mystical Theology was short-lived, but an anti-mystic legacy lived on in subsequent centuries down to the Second Vatican Council, affecting all who took part in it.

Vatican II: For Better or For Worse

When Pope John XXIII should have been calling Catholics to repentance, prayer, and sacrifice, he decided to call a Council to do the impossible.

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