David McPike

David McPike is a husband, father of six, and aspiring market gardener near Calgary, Alberta. In addition to an engineering degree, he earned a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Ottawa examining and defending Thomas Aquinas's account of transubstantiation in relation to the critique of another important thirteenth century Dominican master of theology, Dietrich of Freiberg. He blogs occasionally at davidmcpike.blogspot.com.

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Pope Francis

Is Mary Co-Redeemer?

Recently, Pope Francis declared that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the one “to whom Jesus entrusted us, all of us; but as a Mother, not as goddess, not as co-redeemer (non come dea, non come corredentrice): as Mother.” This comment generated much controversy in the Catholic world since one of Mary’s traditional titles is “Co-Redemptrix.”   So … Read more

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