Joan Frawley Desmond

Joan Frawley Desmond has written for the Wall Street Journal, First Things, and the National Catholic Register, among other publications.

recent articles

Preparing for the Synod on the Laity

A recent trip to study the Italian lay movement Communion and Liberation led me to consider the self-imposed limits that most lay Catholics in the United States place on faith-inspired actions in American society and politics. It is time for lay Catholics in this country to establish a concrete Christian presence that will provoke a … Read more

The Idea of El Salvador in the United States

When one group of U.S. observers at the March 25th presidential elections in El Salvador stopped to interview a man who stood in line to vote, the man asked them, “Why did you come and watch us vote? Don’t you know there are other democracies in the world?” The implicit irony in the man’s question … Read more

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