Michael Brendan Dougherty

Michael Brendan Dougherty is a contributing editor at The American Conservative and the founder of The Slurve, a site on baseball. He blogs at The Unreal. His work has appeared in The Awl, Politico, Newsweek, and ComedyCentral.com.

recent articles

Vatican Instruction Released: The Good and the Bad

  The long-awaited (and occasionally feared) Instruction on Summorum Pontificum was published earlier today, addressing some of the questions that the ultra-slow motion return of the Traditional Latin Mass has occasioned. So what do we learn? First, the good: Bishops can’t stymie a Latin Mass group just because their visiting priest doesn’t have the Latin … Read more

Justice for the Abused?

Sitting in the pew for Mass at St. Mary’s in Norwalk, Connecticut, I was offended. After the deacon chanted “Ite Missa est,” our pastor took to the lectern to inform us that Connecticut was considering a revision of their laws that would retroactively eliminate the statute of limitations for prosecuting sexual abuse of minors, currently … Read more

Hans Kung’s Long Goodbye

Hans Kung is still alive! He periodically sends out messages to remind us of the fact — kind of Bin Laden-ish of him, which speaks to his ecumenical integrity. Last week he published an open letter to the bishops of the world with one message: Undermine my gracious friend and medieval dictator, your pope. George … Read more

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