D.Q. McInerny

D.Q. McInerny taught philosophy at the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota when he wrote this article.

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The Mission of the Church

Evangelization is an Obligation, Not an Option The melancholy tale about Maryknoll that Charlotte Hays related in a recent issue of this journal [“Lost Horizons at Maryknoll,” April] had the effect of calling attention in an especially poignant way to something which all of us today are quite aware of, but which, I suspect, none … Read more

Preparing for the Synod on the Laity

Although the term “the faithful” is comprehensively applicable within the Church, it is commonly used to designate the laity. The faithful — it is a praising and pro-vocative term, telling us, if not so much what in every instance we actually are, what unquestionably we should always strive to he: Faithful. We are all well … Read more

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