David A. Shaneyfelt

David A. Shaneyfelt is a shareholder at Anderson Kill, California, LLP, where he represents numerous private and public entities in coverage disputes against insurance carriers and joint powers agencies. Mr. Shaneyfelt is also a member of Anderson Kill's Financial Services Industry Group. A former trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., Mr. Shaneyfelt has extensive background in complex civil litigation, trials, and appeals in numerous state and Federal courts.

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The Axe Bowen Incident

I’ve learned that there’s a difference sometimes in what President Reagan says and what he does on social issues…. He’ll speak against abortion when the marchers are here, but he doesn’t go all out. How many times, when we’re voting on a critical abortion issue, has he said, ‘I’ve got to have this one,’ as … Read more

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