Dustin Siggins

Dustin Siggins is the D.C. correspondent for LifeSiteNews.com and former blogger for Tea Party Patriots. He is co-author of the forthcoming book America's Bankrupt Legacy: The Future of the Debt-Paying Generation.

recent articles

How to Strengthen Republican Opposition to Abortion

On January 21, 2015—one day before the 41st March for Life—pro-life activists were met with what Jill Stanek called “a slap in the face.” After weeks of promising that a vote on a bill that would ban most abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation—H.R. 36, the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”—would take place on January … Read more

Major Media Ignore Arrest of Gay Activist and Democratic Donor

For decades, Terry Bean has made media and political waves as a co-founder of the gay “rights” group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a major fundraiser and bundler for President Obama and other prominent Democrats. He has been a hugely influential figure in the Obama administration’s decision to change how the federal government looks at … Read more

Obamacare Architect Says Abortion is a Social Good

Over the last three weeks, MIT professor and Affordable Care Act (ACA) architect Jonathan Gruber has gone from being an academic, known mostly in policy circles, to the face of political dishonesty and manipulation. Gruber, who helped create and sell the ACA to the American people, has been caught on tape admitting—on multiple occasions—that the … Read more

Setting the Record Straight on CC2W Viral Ad

In a recent political ad, Catholics Called to Witness (CC2W) tells Catholics to look at all of the issues facing America this November (including energy, jobs and the economy). Among these issues are gay marriage, abortion, and religious freedom/the contraceptive mandate. Near its end, the ad (which has gone viral in the nearly three months … Read more

Time to Change Pro-Life Tactics?

Over the last forty years, the pro-life movement has had its ups and downs. Since the Supreme Court made abortion a so-called “right” in 1973, the number of legal abortions skyrocketed from around 700,000 at that time to 1.6 million in 1990. Recent statistics however show young people are more pro-life than ever, and across the country states (in addition to … Read more

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