Edward Mordrake

Edward Mordrake is a free-lance writer from Hyde Park, Pennsylvania, where he works as a woodworker and cartoonist.

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The Chimes by Charles Dickens

A hard year. But listen! Pick yourselves up. The voice of Time cries to man, Advance! A hard year still! A year to fill the mouth of Time with lamentation. Dare we turn back? The Boston bombers. The Cleveland kidnapper. The Jodi Arias Murder Trial. The demise of DOMA. The NSA scandal. Syrian civil war. … Read more

Bram Stoker’s Dracula

J.R.R. Tolkien once cautioned his friend, C.S. Lewis, concerning Mr. Lewis’ skill in depicting evil. Anyone familiar with Uncle Screwtape or Perelandra’s Un-man will know what Mr. Tolkien alluded to. There is an uncanny comprehension of evil in these works suggestive of proximity quite contrary to the dark distance of Sauron. It can be dangerous … Read more

Evil Beyond Medieval: Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle

God has written two books. He wrote the Good Book and the Book of the World; and men cannot understand either one without reading the other. This familiarization and formation begins in childhood through exposure to reality—both the good and the evil. While the Word is good, the problem of evil is too large of … Read more

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

The editor was nervous. The novel had to be more vague to avoid a ban. The author protested. Monsieur Hetzel insisted. Monsieur Verne submitted. Neither editor nor author realized that ambiguity would prove the element of infinite appeal in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Pierre-Jules Hetzel was Jules Verne’s editor and publisher, and responsible … Read more

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