Edward Short

Edward Short is the author, most recently, of Culture and Abortion published by Gracewing (2013).

recent articles

God, Man, and Abortion: A New Summons to Hope

Many good things distinguish Redeeming Grief, Anne’s Lastman’s gripping testament to the dehumanizing havoc wrought by abortion. It is the work of a woman who has devoted over seventeen years of her life to helping thousands of fathers and mothers heal from the wounds of abortion. It is an unsparing analysis of the way abortion … Read more

Penelope Fitzgerald and the Claims of Faith

“Discovering the church is apt to be a slow procedure but it can take place if you have a free mind and no vested interest in disbelief.” —Flannery O’Connor Early in 1941 at Bletchley Park, the school of cryptography that Churchill set up outside London to outfox Hitler, Penelope Fitzgerald’s uncle Dillwyn Knox was doggedly at … Read more

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