Elizabeth Kirk

Elizabeth Kirk is an attorney, policy consultant, and freelance writer. She currently serves as a research associate at the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, where she teaches in the area of law and the family. She is also a lay consultant to the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

recent articles

Reflecting on the Impact of Dobbs

The night that Roe fell, I gathered together with many pro-life friends – some prominent scholars known widely for their pro-life work, others ordinary people who regularly perform hidden acts of charity to aid pregnant women in distress. All were united by their enormous gratitude for the new reality: the right to abortion is no … Read more

Charles Rice

Following Charles Rice

Six years ago this week, longtime Notre Dame law professor Charles Rice entered his eternal reward. Rereading his obituary now, and reflecting upon his enormous influence on me, I want to say to my friends: We need to follow his example better!  In particular, we need to mentor young people, just as he did for … Read more

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