A Jacobin “Synodality”
Don’t be fooled. Just because hot-button issues are not on the Synod’s agenda, it doesn’t mean that the revolution is not in full swing.
Don’t be fooled. Just because hot-button issues are not on the Synod’s agenda, it doesn’t mean that the revolution is not in full swing.
It is apparent that there is real division in the Church; banning the homeschoolers from church property has revealed that division far more than allowing them to use the space ever could have.
Many churchmen are generally unaware of the real reasons why people are leaving the Faith in droves and why younger generations are not drawn to the Church.
No one should be surprised by the recent revelation that Pope Francis believes that civil unions between same-sex couples ought to be legal. Just as no one should be surprised by the promotion of Wilton Gregory—Archbishop of Washington, D.C., oligarch, and political activist—to the College of Cardinals this past Sunday. The two are intimately connected, … Read more
It was not the head of the Catholic Church who finally condemned the tyrannical decrees of various state governors that churches are to be “nonessential,” while marijuana dispensaries, liquor stores, and abortuaries can remain open. It was President Donald Trump. He said that he is “correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential.” In … Read more