Erik Bootsma

Erik Bootsma is an architect working in Richmond, Virginia. A graduate of Thomas Aquinas College in California and the University of Notre Dame Architecture School, he writes and speaks on the need to draw from traditional liturgy and architecture to return beauty and holiness to sacred architecture. To see examples of his work, visit

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To Resurrect Notre Dame Is a Work of Faith

This Monday, the world watched as the Notre Dame Cathedral, the magnificent symbol of Paris, of France, and of the Catholic Church, was engulfed in flames. People watched from the streets and on screens across the world in stunned disbelief. Parisians gathered in the streets gasped as the flames and smoke rose to the heavens … Read more

Restoring Sacred Architecture Will Reaffirm Theological Truth

This past spring, a marvelous new cathedral was dedicated in Knoxville, Tennessee. The dedication of Sacred Heart Cathedral is certainly a sign of the return of traditional architecture in sacred buildings. The cruciform cathedral was designed in a classical style, featuring arches and Corinthian pilasters in the nave. With a traditional long nave and cruciform … Read more

The Time Has Come to Ban “Reconciliation Rooms”

Amid the recent revelations of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, there have been calls for substantive actions to prevent future abuse by clergy. While most of these calls have focused on transparency, accountability, punishment of guilty parties, and lay oversight of cases after the fact, there are a few which deal with how to … Read more

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