Anthony Esolen

Dr. Anthony Esolen is the author of 28 books on literature, culture, and the Christian life, whose most recent work is In the Beginning Was the Word: An Annotated Reading of the Prologue of John. He and his wife Debra also produce a new web magazine, Word and Song, devoted to reintroducing people to the good, the true, and the beautiful. He is a Distinguished Professor at Thales College

Books by esolen

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Childhood Be Damned

When I think of my own childhood and youth, it occurs to me that my happiest hours were rarely spent indoors, certainly not in school, nor at home in front of the television.

As For Me and My House

It’s hard to state what depths of farce, ineffectuality, and effete sentimentalism American politics has descended.

Safety Last

A desire to be safe and secure above all cannot be reconciled with the Christian life.

The Importance of Walls

Beyond the matter of real estate, boundaries—walls—are indispensable for art, for science, for healthy social interchange, and for the moral and religious life itself. They are, in fact, constitutive of creation.

A Flight into Reality

The study of literature makes you free of the solipsism of the present, to see more clearly what Russell Kirk called “the permanent things.”

Turning on Children

The nations of the West have turned against children. They are committing suicide.

Recognizing Reality

The transgender hermit has practiced a deception upon the Church, for reality cannot be changed by our whims or delusions.

The Beauty of Tradition

“Traditional” Catholics have all the best stories and music and art, if for no other reason than that moral indifference does not a drama make.

The Hard Truths of Responsible Governance

You cannot have peace by merely assuming that people are going always to be pacific, reasonable, restrained in their desires, deferent to authority, and considerate of others.

No Mercy for Sin Itself

It is one thing to tolerate your brother’s sin—because you yourself are a sinner, after all. It is another to accept it in principle, explicitly or implicitly.

Our Unhappy Youth

Many young people appear to have fallen into the most antihuman way of life that any civilization has ever settled into.

Empathy for the Devil?

Having consigned reason to that impoverished realm of human experience that can be subjected to controlled experiments and the quantification of their results, we are left with no basis upon which to make moral judgments except for feelings.

It Is Not Good for Some Couples to Be Alone

The upshot is that two boys or two girls should not be a couple at all because that exclusivity is not what friendship is for; it is, in fact, an obstacle to the full flourishing of friendship.

The Pink Synod

Certain seminaries became pink palaces, where seminarians and priests commonly shrugged away their vows of chastity, treating such sins with a thoroughly modern wink and a nudge.

Male and Female He Made Them

It is no surprise that the call to ordain (or to pretend to ordain) women as priests comes mainly from people who wish to marry (or to pretend to marry) a man with a man or a woman with a woman.

The Papacy, Doctrine, and Development

The pope is not a free agent. His authority, humanly considered, flows from his submission to and dependence upon Peter, that fisherman, that first pilot of the bark of the Church.

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