Peter and Helen Evans

Peter and Helen Evans are co-authors of the book "Get Serious: The Church's Stand on Contemporary Culture."

recent articles

Animal Protection or Animal Rights? A Conversation with Brian Saint-Paul

Christians have the obligation to be stewards over all of creation, including the beasts. Unfortunately, those who are currently promoting the “rights” of animals are, intentionally or otherwise, undermining their own — and our — human dignity. To put the problem in a nutshell, “The more we treat animals like humans, the easier it will … Read more

Politics as Applied Theology: A Conversation with Peter and Helen Evans

Peter and Helen Evans know what it’s like to be spiritual seekers. They ran through the gamut of Eastern religions and philosophies before returning to the Christianity of their youth. Better still, they’ve written a book to help those who find themselves similarly seeking. The result is Get Serious: The Church’s Stand on Contemporary Culture, … Read more

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