Alvino-Mario Fantini

Alvino-Mario Fantini is the editor-in-chief of The European Conservative and is the honorary Secretary General of the Hayek Institute in Vienna, Austria. He serves on the boards of The Dartmouth Review, the Center for European Renewal in the Hague, and European Dignity Watch in Brussels. His articles, book reviews, and interviews have appeared in The American Spectator, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Washington Times, The Far Eastern Economic Review, and Catholic World Report.

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Renowned historian, James Hitchcock, has long been recognized for his books and essays on U.S. politics, Roman Catholic intellectual life, and the controversial reforms of the Church’s sacred liturgy. A man of deep faith, he belongs to the great tradition of other Catholic historians such as Lord Acton and Hilaire Belloc; but unlike these predecessors, … Read more

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