Fr. Mario Alexis Portella

Fr. Mario Alexis Portella is a priest of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Florence, Italy. He was born in New York and holds a doctorate in canon law and civil law from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. He is the author of Islam: Religion of Peace?—The Violation of Natural Rights and Western Cover-Up (Westbow Press, 2018).

recent articles

The Scandal of “Openness”

In the spirit of “openness,” the Italian Bishops’ Conference recently approved, with the apparent blessing of the Roman authorities, new guidelines that stipulate that an applicant for the seminary cannot be rejected simply because he identifies as a homosexual.

The Revival of Holy War

Should Catholics look to Old Testament accounts of Joshua wiping out Israel’s enemies as justification for modern Israel’s actions?

The Failure of Interreligious Dialogue with Islam

Last week, on the morning of August 7th, Pope Francis, just before his regular Wednesday general audience, received a group of representatives from the Afghan Muslim community in Italy. He touched upon the “complicated and dramatic history [in Afghanistan], marked by a succession of wars and blood-stained conflicts, which have made it very difficult for … Read more

Defending the Christ Child

A new theology of sexual disorientation supersedes that of the natural order of things as the Christ child revealed.

Pope Islam

The Vatican’s Ambiguous Interreligious Dialogue

Today marks the 47th anniversary of the establishment of the Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims by Pope St. Paul VI. A distinct body from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID), it was erected in order to promote and stimulate religious relations between Muslims and Catholics. At the time the Holy See, like many … Read more


Church Teaching Is Not Up for Vote

“We’re here to preserve democracy, not practice it.” Such were the words of Captain Frank Ramsey (played by Gene Hackman) in the 1995 film Crimson Tide. Ramsey, Commanding Officer of a nuclear submarine, said this to his Executive Officer, Lt. Commander Ron Hunter (played by Denzel Washington), when the two differed on what decisions to … Read more

Supreme Court

The Disappointing “Conservative” Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court, on the last day of the 2020-2021 session, in a 7-3 vote—the dissenters were Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas—declined to hear the case in which floral artist Barronelle Stutzman was sued by Washington State Democratic Attorney General Bob Ferguson and the American Civil Liberties Union after she refused … Read more

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

Hungary’s Paradox

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in what would surely anger the Marxist-founded Black Lives Matter (BLM)—which has boasted to “burn down” the “Western-prescribed nuclear-family-structure”—recently stated that kneeling during the playing of national anthems at sporting events was not only provocative but an act of discrimination. Hungary is one of 14 host nations to the Euro … Read more


Biden’s Religious Double-Standard

Recently, President Joe Biden spoke out strongly against the numerous anti-Semitic incidents in the United States during the last two weeks, which coincided with the deadly conflict between Israel and Hamas. He also surprised many Israelis with his steadfast support for Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas’s rocket attacks. Just last week, Biden, along with First … Read more


America: One Nation Under…What?

Recently Fox News ran an article entitled ‘God’ left out of Biden’s National Day of Prayer proclamation. Not that I questioned the veracity of the report, given President Joe Biden’s campaign to eradicate natural law from society as per his pro-LGBTQI policies, I was, nevertheless, compelled by curiosity to read exactly what the proclamation stated. … Read more


The Biden Administration’s Effort to Suppress the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

I recently logged onto the Voice of America (VOA) website—an American international broadcaster funded by the U.S. Congress—and saw an article entitled “LGBTQ Members Face Threats in Iraqi Kurdistan,” which discussed the plight of Iraq’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning or queer (LGBTQ) community in the country’s autonomous region of Kurdistan.  The segment included … Read more


The Vatican Remains Silent on the Persecution of Chinese Christians

Last November, Pope Francis, for the first time, called China’s Muslim Uighurs a “persecuted” people, something human rights activists have been urging him to do for years. However, during his solemn Urbi et Orbi  Easter blessing on Easter Sunday, Francis snubbed the Uighurs as he carefully omitted any reference to those suffering human rights abuses … Read more

So Much for Our ‘Conservative Court’

Americans who identify as conservatives thought that, when President Donald Trump was able to get three conservative justices appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Barrett—the tide favoring the institution of the family, which is based on marriage exclusively between one man and one woman, had finally turned. More so after … Read more

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