Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I

His Eminence Francis Eugene Cardinal George, O.M.I., is the eighth Archbishop of Chicago. Before his appointment to Chicago by Pope John Paul II in 1996, he served as bishop of Yakima, Washington, and archbishop of Portland, Oregon. He earned his masters in theology from the University of Ottawa and his doctorate in philosophy from Tulane University in New Orleans. His most recent book, God in Action: How Faith in God Can Address the Challenges of the World, was published in 2011.

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“Same-Sex” Marriage Legislation: What’s at Stake?

At the beginning of the New Year, 2013, a law is being proposed in the General Assembly to change the legal definition of marriage in Illinois to accommodate those of the same sex who wish to “marry” one another.  In this discussion, the Church will be portrayed as “anti-gay,” which is a difficult position to … Read more

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