Gavin F. Hurley

Gavin F. Hurley, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of English at University of Providence in Great Falls, Montana (USA) where he teaches writing and rhetoric courses. He is the author of The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning (2018) and his essays have appeared in the Journal of Communication and Religion, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, Journal of Catholic Higher Education, Listening: Journal of Communication, Ethics, Religion, and Culture, Catholic Educator Magazine, America Magazine, and On Religion Magazine.

recent articles

Renewing the Intellectual Optics of Catholicism

The liberal arts curriculum as we know it today formally grew out of the theological education of the early Middle Ages; however, this heritage seems to have been largely forgotten. Over the years, I’ve found that professors at English and Composition conferences often tilt their heads at me when I mention theology. Sometimes they deflect the … Read more

Evangelizing the Secular Mind

Recently, a colleague inquired about how I successfully teach philosophy at a professional-minded college. As my colleague recognized, it is difficult to teach the liberal arts at a school where students embrace monetary practical values and goals. Through his query, I was reminded about how Catholics can evangelize with rhetorical mindfulness. Specifically, Catholics can begin … Read more

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