Gene M. Van Son

Gene M. Van Son is a cradle Catholic. He attended a Catholic grade school and high school and obtained a BA in Journalism from a Catholic university. He retired in 2008 after 35 years in the automobile business and since 2016 he has been a managing editor at In addition to writing for Catholic Stand he has had articles and essays published at Crisis Magazine and American Thinker. He has been married for 49 years to the love of his life; they have three sons. Both he and his wife are Certified Catechists in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

recent articles

Pokémon Go Is the Least of My Parish’s Problems

A couple weeks ago as my wife and I approached the entry doors to our parish’s “Gathering Space,” which leads to the church proper, the parish social hall, and the parish offices, we couldn’t help but notice the signs that were prominently placed on all the doors: “Please refrain from playing Pokémon Go while inside … Read more

“Let’s Talk” Programs are Not About “Dialogue”

Catholics, both as individuals and collectively as faith communities, must welcome everyone. This is our obligation as Christians. The loving God we worship and his son Jesus Christ would never tell anyone, “You are not welcome in this parish, at mass, or in this Church.” This is as it should be. But being “welcome” as … Read more

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