George Kocan

At the time this article was published, George Kocan was a writer living in Warrenville, Illinois.

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Media Watch: Politically Correct Oscars

When the Academy Award nominations came out, I began to wonder who would win the Oscars. I think I can predict as well as anyone who will win this year. I can do it, because I have certain advantages that the paid movie reviewers do not. For one, I have not seen any of the … Read more

The Idler: Martial Arts, Manly Arts

In America, “Kung Fu” means “martial art.” In China, it means the same in common usage, but the formally correct term for “martial art” in China is “Wu Su.” Roughly translated into English, “Kung Fu” (literally, “energy” and “time”) means “hard work towards a goal.” Another term associated with Chinese martial arts is “eating bitter”—flippantly … Read more

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