The Best Way Forward? A Tale of Two Speeches
Recent speeches by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and American President Joseph Biden reveal stark contrasting visions for the West.
Recent speeches by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and American President Joseph Biden reveal stark contrasting visions for the West.
Conspiracy theories have gained widespread credibility on the Right. Have conservatives succumbed to the siren song of critical theory?
The false identities created by Barrack Obama and Kamala Harris reflect the idolatry of identity in our time which confuses playing a role with ontological essence.
Our obsession with personality masks the fact of our powerlessness.
In recent decades, the decline of the Church has resulted in the closure and sale of a host of Catholic real estate: churches, convents, monasteries, schools, and rectories.
As liberal lawmakers destroyed the state of New York, Catholic Church leaders stood by and assisted in its demise.
A Christ-free compassion leads to open borders, abortion on demand, racial guilt, and trans-madness.
Is the Catholic Land Movement a legitimate approach to rediscovering God’s gracious gifts, or is it just another lifestyle choice option for the post-modern-minded?
John Paul II’s TOB was anchored in an anthropology still recognizably rooted in Catholicism, whereas the latest trends in body mutilations seemingly treat the body as a platform,
Too often the Church’s highest authorities seemingly endorse violations of both political and spiritual boundaries.
The world sees autism as a disability or a free pass from norms, when it is actually a gift. The radical Left sees it as an opportunity to tear down when it is actually a weight to train the soul. It can be cursed, or it can be cherished.
Pope Francis wants Catholics to go to the “peripheries,” but have the pope and other Church leaders ignored the American peripheries?
A new Vatican document proposes to give guidance for Catholic investors based on Catholic social teaching, but often falls into regurgitating liberal talking points on redistribution and environmental awareness.
The Roman Martyrology is a vital, if uncomfortable, antidote to many modern poisonous misconceptions.
One theme among some conservatives has been the role of Russia as a sort of holy scourge of a decadent West. But the answer to Western problems is not salvation by way of Eastern Orthodoxy.