Gregory Wolfe

Gregory Wolfe is a writer, teacher, editor, and publisher. Both as a thinker and institution-builder, he has been a pioneer in the resurgence of interest in the relationship between art and religion—a resurgence that has had widespread impact both on religious communities and the public square. As an advocate for and exemplar of the tradition of Christian Humanism, Wolfe has established a reputation as an independent, non-ideological thinker—part gadfly, part peacemaker.

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Sheldon Vanauken RIP

Sheldon Vanauken, who was the author of some of the most eloquent and moving meditations of death and loss since C. S. Lewis’s A Grief Observed, finally has gone through the portals of eternity himself. Or, to put it in a way he would have much preferred: He has at last sailed his beloved Grey … Read more

The Catholic as Conservative

Russell Kirk, widely known as the “Father” of modern American conservatism, is no longer in fashion among the majority of those calling themselves conservative. He is respected, of course, and in great demand as a lecturer. But by any objective measurement, Russell Kirk is not one of the stars of the conservative movement today. One … Read more

The Enigmatic Convert: Will the Real Muggeridge Please Stand Up

As a media figure for more than half a century, Malcolm Muggeridge knew what it was to become an image. His face and name were multiplied and replicated innumerable times, on radio waves, television screens, and in books and newsprint. While this kind of public exposure tends to feed one’s vanity, Muggeridge also knew the … Read more

Poetry as Written Prayer: The Achievement of Dom Julian Stead, O.S.B.

Much has been made in recent years about the fact that we are living through a period of artistic sterility and mediocrity. The lack of great novelists, poets, painters, and composers is bemoaned; symposia are convened to explicate the crisis; alarmed critics are interviewed for their diagnosis. On the whole, the reasons given for this … Read more

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