Humberto Belli

Humberto Belli was in charge of the editorial page of La Prensa for two years. He now lives in the United States and works with the Secretariat for Non Believers.

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Drifting Toward Totalitarianism: A Report on the Nicaraguan Elections

The Nicaraguan elections last fall could have been a road to peace in a wartorn country, a stepping back from the slide towards totalitarianism.  They were not. The November 4 presidential election in Nicaragua has drawn remarkably little attention. The arrival of a Soviet ship at Port Corinto on November 7 initiated the “crisis” between … Read more

Persecution of Protestants in Nicaragua: The Neglected Story

Although many people have awakened to the fact that the Sandinista’s revolutionary government have been mistreating religious leaders in Nicaragua, much of the attention has been focused on the conflict between the state and the Catholic Church, with only scant attention given to the grave events affecting the Protestant churches and other religious denominations. Yet, … Read more

The Sandinistas and the Pope: Will Eyes Open?

Since their ascent to power in Nicaragua in 1979, the Sandinistas have claimed that they are a regime respectful of religion, as well as a model of the integration of Christianity and revolution, Marxism and faith. Many in the United States — ranging from Catholic publications such as Our Sunday Visitor and Maryknoll magazine to … Read more

Violeta de Chamorro: A Woman of Courage

Violeta de Chamorro is a Nicaraguan woman who knows what it is to struggle and suffer for an ideal. As the wife of the former editor of the newspaper La Prensa, Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, who was an outstanding champion of civil liberties in his country and the staunchest critic of the Somoza dictatorship, she endured … Read more

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