Hillaire Belloc

This anonymous Crisis writer is pretending to be Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc. Belloc was an Anglo-French writer and historian who became a naturalized British subject in 1902, but kept his French Citizenship. He was one of the most prolific writers in England during the early twentieth century.

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All Hail the Feminist Hour!

By Hilaire Belloc Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel! May all my enemies go to hell! IN MY day, people said what they thought, and thought what they said, but not today. Take Newsweek’s religion editor, a Catholic graduate of the University of Notre Dame, who, in proposing a toast, should really drink first to feminism, only … Read more

Rooks & Pawns & Bishops

Why else do we have bishops if not to chide Christians for lion baiting in the Coliseum? What an immense relief it is to find our prelates favor peace and that only nine of them voted for war. Defying a hostile press, going decisively against the zeitgeist, the bishops, with billowing spinnakers, voted to help … Read more


It may be taken as a proof of Original Sin that the chosen continue to hanker for the fleshpots of Egypt. Purgatory is made easier for me by the realization that I did not live long enough to witness Lords Spiritual confuse their function, I will not say with that of Lords Temporal — things … Read more

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