Deal W. Hudson

Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of "Church and Culture," a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

recent articles

This story from Catholic News Service bears the headline: Cardinal praises expanded health care but fears remain on abortion   The cardinal in question is Cardinal George of Chicago, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He gave an interview to Nancy Frazier O’Brien and said the following, which prompted the headline: We … Read more

Wow, This Headline Tells a Story…

This story from Catholic News Service bears the headline: Cardinal praises expanded health care but fears remain on abortion   The cardinal in question is Cardinal George of Chicago, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He gave an interview to Nancy Frazier O’Brien and said the following, which prompted the headline: We … Read more

Bart Stupak Failed Us

We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men The evening the Stupak-Pitts Amendment passed, I expressed the hope that a new era of pro-life politics had begun. For the first time in a long time, the Democratic Party had an advocate for the unborn around whom others could rally. That was four months … Read more

Bart Stupak (D-MI) was becoming a hero to pro-lifers all around the nation with his steadfast refusal to bend under the pressure of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House.  Instead, Stupak has become a hero to the other side — an hour ago, he announced his decision to vote FOR the Senate version of … Read more

Stupak Caves to Democratic Party Pressure

Bart Stupak (D-MI) was becoming a hero to pro-lifers all around the nation with his steadfast refusal to bend under the pressure of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White House.  Instead, Stupak has become a hero to the other side — an hour ago, he announced his decision to vote FOR the Senate version of … Read more

Who Are These Fake Catholic Groups?

As every American teenager knows, fake IDs are easy to come by.  The same is true in politics.  Anne Hendershott, writing at Catholic Advocate, has explained why organizations like Catholics United, Catholic Democrats, and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good are “fake Catholic groups.” What other than a fake Catholic group would pay for … Read more

In an effort to show that folks like Michael Sean Winters at America magazine are not one-dimensional characters, I post his interesting comment on Catholics for Choice.   In the midst of the various disagreements between the Catholic Left and Catholic moderates, everyone tends to be painted in black and white (I get that a … Read more

Michael Sean Winters Calls Out Catholics for Choice

In an effort to show that folks like Michael Sean Winters at America magazine are not one-dimensional characters, I post his interesting comment on Catholics for Choice.   In the midst of the various disagreements between the Catholic Left and Catholic moderates, everyone tends to be painted in black and white (I get that a … Read more

Fifty-Nine Thousand Nuns Oppose the Bishops on Health Care

“Don’t mess with nuns!” is a comment I’ve often heard over the years from cradle Catholics who were taught by them. The question now arises whether the undecided Catholic members of the House will be influenced by the 60 nuns — each a leader of her religious order — who signed a letter to members … Read more

From Jack Smith at the Catholic Key Blog, I have just recieved a rather pointed comment by Archbishop Naumann of Kansas City – St. Joseph, Missouri on the support given by the Catholic Health Association to the Senate health care bill. Jack Smith introduces the statement: Kansas City: Kansas Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann is urging … Read more

Archbishop Naumann Urges Calls to Congress and Sister Carol

From Jack Smith at the Catholic Key Blog, I have just recieved a rather pointed comment by Archbishop Naumann of Kansas City – St. Joseph, Missouri on the support given by the Catholic Health Association to the Senate health care bill. Jack Smith introduces the statement: Kansas City: Kansas Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann is urging … Read more

OK, we’re a few days from the House vote on the Senate health care bill containing abortion funding.  That funding has been publicly acknowledged and condemned by the USCCB and numerous bishops individually.  We have also witnessed the support given the Senate health care bill by the trade association for Catholic hospitals — the Catholic … Read more

Imbalanced Coverage from Catholic News Service

OK, we’re a few days from the House vote on the Senate health care bill containing abortion funding.  That funding has been publicly acknowledged and condemned by the USCCB and numerous bishops individually.  We have also witnessed the support given the Senate health care bill by the trade association for Catholic hospitals — the Catholic … Read more

The Failure of the Bishops’ Health-Care Bill Strategy

The Catholic Health Association (CHA), a lobbying group for Catholic hospitals, has offered its support for the health-care bill as it currently stands. A  statement from CHA president Sr. Carol Keehan expresses “concern on life issues” while underscoring the bill’s requirement that “a separate check” would have to be written for abortion services. Sister Keehan’s … Read more

Catholic Bishops Must Change Health-Care Strategy Before It’s Too Late

The lobbying strategy of the Catholic bishops in the health-care debate thus far has been one of qualified support. We support the health-care reform bill, the bishops argue, as long as it does not contain abortion funding and provides conscience protection for health-care workers. The only help the bishops have received in their effort is … Read more

Culture and Catholic Identity in Australia

In a few minutes I will be leaving the Radisson Hotel in downtown Sydney to meet a group of local Catholics Jessica Langrell has pulled together. We will dine and I will talk with them about “Culture and Catholic Identity,” using the bruhaha at Notre Dame over Obama has a starting point. I plan on … Read more

I’ve just returned to my hotel room in Sydney after meeting with Cardinal Pell and his secretary, Michael Casey. I don’t need to tell anyone what an extraordinary man, and bishop, he is.  He’s still recuperating from some heart surgery, so I was very lucky to spend the time with him I did. We discussed … Read more

Just Met With Cardinal Pell As Aussie Journey Comes To An End

I’ve just returned to my hotel room in Sydney after meeting with Cardinal Pell and his secretary, Michael Casey. I don’t need to tell anyone what an extraordinary man, and bishop, he is.  He’s still recuperating from some heart surgery, so I was very lucky to spend the time with him I did. We discussed … Read more

Why There Is No Church Teaching On The Health-Care Bill

Even I was surprised a few weeks ago at the strength of the positive response to my column asking, “Is It Time for a Catholic Tea Party?” There’s considerable unrest among faithful Catholics who differ with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on some of its major policy positions, as well as its mistakes … Read more

Portrait of a Pro-Life Catholic from Down Under

“Cardinal Pell is an inspiration to all Catholics in Australia,” says Cory Bernardi, a pro-life Catholic senator from South Australia. Bernardi, along with his wife Sinead and two young sons, attends the traditional Latin Mass in his hometown of Adelaide. I spoke with him a few months ago in Washington, D.C., as I was preparing for my trip … Read more

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