Deal W. Hudson

Deal W. Hudson is ​publisher and editor of The Christian Review and the host of "Church and Culture," a weekly two-hour radio show on the Ave Maria Radio Network.​ He is the former publisher and editor of Crisis Magazine.

recent articles

With Catholic Help…

When the U.S. bishops hold their annual meeting in Baltimore next week, one item on the agenda will be approval of the new Order for the Blessing of the Child in the Womb. The blessing, according to the USCCB, “was prepared to support parents awaiting the birth of their child, to encourage in the parish … Read more

Why I Will Vote for John McCain

My support this election for John McCain has been no secret, as regular readers know. But while I’ve offered my reasons here and there, I’ve never put them all together in a single piece. I try to do that now. Some of my case for McCain comes from agreeing with positions he holds, and some … Read more

Is a Split in the GOP Inevitable?

As I write this, Sen. John McCain is edging closer to Sen. Barack Obama in the national polls. Whether this will translate into enough votes to win battleground states like Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio is still a long shot. But whatever happens on November 4, a major shake-up in the GOP is a certainty. Dana … Read more

Will “Faithful Citizenship” Win the Catholic Vote for Obama?

If Obama wins on November 4 with the help of Catholic voters, the biggest factor in his favor will be the bishops’ own document and Web site, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.” I never thought it likely that Catholic voters could be persuaded to support a candidate with both the most extreme record on abortion … Read more

Money: Making It, Spending It, and Giving It Away

Frank J. Hanna III has become one of the leading Catholic philanthropists in the nation. His Solidarity Foundation recently obtained the oldest extant copy of portions of the Gospels of Luke and John and presented them to Pope Benedict XVI for the Vatican Library. A merchant banker in Atlanta, Hanna is the CEO of HBR … Read more

How Will History Judge Catholics in the 2008 Election?

The Catholic Church is often accused of complicity in a variety of moral evils, including the institution of slavery, the rise of the Nazi Party, and even the horror of the Holocaust itself. Historians differ on the degree of blame properly assigned to Catholics. But they all agree on one thing: These evils were the … Read more

What Are We Doing?

Last night, the Archdiocese of New York held its famous Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, with both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama as guests. I watched the coverage today — the story is all over the news, along with images of Obama and Edward Cardinal Egan sharing a laugh. Something about that bothered … Read more

Texas Bishops Face Protests from Pro-Abortion Catholics

When is the last time a bishop’s statement on abortion resulted in several days of protest from pro-abortion Catholics? The joint statement issued last Friday by Bishop Kevin Vann of Fort Worth and Bishop Kevin Farrell of Dallas has done just that. No doubt the forceful clarity of the bishops’ message elicited the outcry. The … Read more

Last Safe Haven for Iraqi Christians Taken by Al-Qaeda

“Now the last safe haven for Christians is gone,” said Canon Andrew White, the vicar of St. George’s church in Baghdad. During the past week, twelve Christians have been killed and more than 3,000 have left the city of Mosul, once considered a safe zone for persecuted Iraqi Christians. Mosul, on the plain of Nineveh … Read more

Will the Church Split Along Red and Blue Lines?

An Obama victory on November 4 is far from certain, but the momentum behind his campaign prompts me to wonder: What impact could an Obama administration have on the Catholic Church? The Bush victories in 2000 and 2004 brought a flood of commentary on the so-called red and blue states. If Obama wins in 2008, … Read more

Praying the Rosary for the Election

“I would exhort people to say the rosary every day for life and for the success of the election.” These are the words of Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, the retired archbishop of Philadelphia. When I spoke to him yesterday, the cardinal emphasized that he neither spoke officially for the archdiocese nor was he endorsing any specific … Read more

Selling Obama as a Pro-Life Candidate

Just when this presidential election could not get any stranger, David Brody reports the launching of a “Pro-Life Pro-Obama” Web site. When is the “John McCain, Pacifist” Web site going to show up? The effort to sell Obama as a pro-life candidate is being spearheaded by a group called the Matthew 25 Network, a PAC … Read more

A Jesuit’s Case for Barack Obama

A few days ago Rev. Ray Schroth, S.J., posted “Why This Priest Votes for Obama” on the NJ Voice blog. Father Schroth teaches humanities at St. Peter’s College and is presently working on a book about Rev. Robert Drinan, S.J. Father was careful in making his endorsement: “I do not say this from a pulpit. I … Read more

Obama Campaign Calls Abortion Survivor Story a “Despicable Lie”

Gianna Jessen survived a saline abortion 31 years ago. “I didn’t have any burns anywhere on my body — it was amazing.” The saline, however, did leave Jessen with a mild case of cerebral palsy, a slight limp, and a life-long commitment to oppose abortion. Jessen is featured in a television ad presently running in … Read more

Obama’s Faltering Religious Outreach Revs Up

This week the Obama campaign attempts to restart its religious outreach with a month-long tour of its religious surrogates, titled “Barack Obama: Faith, Family, and Values.” The stars of the tour will be Catholic law professor Doug Kmiec, ex-Congressman Tim Roemer (also a Catholic), Methodist theologian Shaun Casey, and Evangelical author Donald Miller. Obama’s religious … Read more

Creating a New Mt. Carmel… in America

Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote about the “Last Carmelite Monks in America.” At the time, the eight Carmelites and their novices were overflowing their four-bedroom rectory in the mountains of northwest Wyoming. Since then, the monks’ numbers have grown quickly. By the end of the year, there will be as many as 18 … Read more

Taking the Time to Act Like Christians

A few days ago I was asked to speak to a men’s group in Atlanta about Catholics in politics. As part of my presentation, I talked about the possibility of greater Catholic and Evangelical cooperation. To illustrate my point, I told the story about the reconciliation earlier this year between Pastor John Hagee and Catholic … Read more

The McCain-Palin Ticket Renews the Culture Wars

With the nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, a fatal blow was delivered to the great myth of this campaign: that religious voters, as we have been told repeatedly, have embraced a broader issue agenda, having left behind their fixation on abortion and marriage. On the contrary: The thousands of Republicans … Read more

Governor Palin Solves John McCain’s Religion Problem

“I’ve gotten more phone calls in the last two days than I received the entire two months I’ve been working for McCain.” J. R. Sanchez, head of McCain’s Catholic outreach in Florida, isn’t the only one experiencing this among religious and social conservatives. One Catholic activist from San Francisco told me she was offering to … Read more

A Grand Night for Singing: Why I Love Showtunes

  Over the next few days, three of our writers will offer lighter reflections on why they prefer a given genre of music — Rock, Showtunes, and Classical.   We continue today with Showtunes.     ♦ ♦ ♦     It is said we love the music of our youth. No doubt we respond … Read more

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