J. Douglas Johnson

J. Douglas Johnson attends All Saints Antiochian Eastern Orthodox Church in Chicago, IL. You can follow him on Twitter at @Chicagohound, or you can email him at jdouglasj@gmail.com.

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Peggy Noonan Calls for a Revival of the American Gentleman

While reading a recent Wall Street Journal column by Peggy Noonan calling for a revival of the American gentleman, I remembered an old episode of The Simpsons. They’re on the couch watching a public television fundraiser. Garrison Keillor reads a bit of Prairie Home Companion to the obliging laughter and applause from the studio audience. … Read more

An Explanation for the Bewildered

Gather round, my children. Perhaps I should have explained this before Charlottesville and Berkeley, though I never thought you would hear me. Years ago you read this poem. You said you didn’t understand it, but really you were just having too much fun in those days to pay it much attention: Turning and turning in … Read more

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